Monday, March 23, 2009

More Student Writing

Mrs. Sian Hisben pat the mas Bod up in are clss ot day. We like it. We do hadsprout.
by Jennifer D.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Read Around the Planet with Texas

We did Read Around the Planet with Texas. We were matched with a classroom in Texas and we exchanged presentations. We could see their classroom on our projection wall and they could see us. We shared a penguin book we made and told them about Michigan and showed them some snow pictures. They performed a monkey puppet show, sang a song and read us a book. The students really enjoyed it.

Student Writings about our Read Around the Planet experience.

Texas has ratlesnakes and Longhohns and Cactos and Cow boy hats. We saw kids on the wall. They hade monkey hats on ther heds. We made a penguin book they read us a book we read a book too. It was a monkey book.

Texas haves sand and cow boy hats. Texas haves pepl. We saw kids at texas with monkey hats.

We tok about texaS they had monke hats on ther heds. We liked it. Then we red our book about pingins. Then they red ther book. They hav sand and they hav horsis and they hav kowboy hats on ther heds they hav a skool.

Monday, February 9, 2009

We are learning about penguins

Pengiuns can wodl. Pengiuns can eat fish. Pengiuns hav chicks.

Penguins can swim. Skuas eat the chiks. Penguins hav blubber too ceep them warm.

Penguins cant fly. Pengiuis eat fish and Shrinp and sqid and they hach eggs.
By Jennifer d.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Updates Coming Soon

Check back for new student entries. We have been learning about Penguins and will be posting blog entries about penguins soon.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Letters to Santa

We wrote letters to Santa today and Mrs. Sian is typing them for us. Later we will type our own, but we have had 2 snow days and are running out of time to get all of our Christmas things done.

Dear Santa...

I want a snowboard. Ryan wants a red scooter. Alexys, 5

I want some dress up clothes and a puppy and a baby. Love, Karlee, 5

I want a real gun. Love, Garrett, 5

I want a transformer and cop stuff. Love, Gavin, 5

I want an ipod dog and a transformer. Love, Benny, 5

I want transformers. Love, Jesse, 5

I want a BB gun. Love, Connor, 5

I want bumper cars. Love, Jacob D., 5

I want a real gun. Santa will you bring me a new gun, please. I want one really bad. Love, Mason, 5

I want a baby. I want a swimming baby. Love, Emily, 5

I have been really good. I want a dirt bike. Love, Ron Lee, 5

I'd like a girl Hannah Montana doll. Love, Jazmine, 5

I want a new pony that can talk. It is a toy. Please, Santa. Love, Sarah, 5

I want a new tool bench. Love, Tyler, 5

I want a transformer. Love, Ronnie, 6

I want a Hannah Montana doll. Please, Santa. Love, Madison, 5

I want a new bumblebee transformer. I want a spiderman remote controller. Love, Cameron, 5

I want a horse that talks, walks, and eats. Love, Rebecca, 5

I want a guitar and a microphone. Love, Logan, 5

My brother wants a scooter that can ride. I want a baby alive. Love, Julia, 5

I want a shotgun. Love, Jacob O., 6

I want a squishy unicorn that goes in the water. Love, Libby, 5

I want a new transformer. Love, Tucker, 5

I want a doll. Love, Jennifer, 5

I want a scope BB gun. Love, Jakob, 6

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lucy is having a great summer

Lucy is having a great summer vacation. She is getting ready to go to Minnesota next week to visit her Uncle Cletus. I am sure she will have fun. If you click on the comments word after this box, you can leave her a comment. She misses you all and would like to hear from you. We hope you are having a great summer!