Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Letters to Santa

We wrote letters to Santa today and Mrs. Sian is typing them for us. Later we will type our own, but we have had 2 snow days and are running out of time to get all of our Christmas things done.

Dear Santa...

I want a snowboard. Ryan wants a red scooter. Alexys, 5

I want some dress up clothes and a puppy and a baby. Love, Karlee, 5

I want a real gun. Love, Garrett, 5

I want a transformer and cop stuff. Love, Gavin, 5

I want an ipod dog and a transformer. Love, Benny, 5

I want transformers. Love, Jesse, 5

I want a BB gun. Love, Connor, 5

I want bumper cars. Love, Jacob D., 5

I want a real gun. Santa will you bring me a new gun, please. I want one really bad. Love, Mason, 5

I want a baby. I want a swimming baby. Love, Emily, 5

I have been really good. I want a dirt bike. Love, Ron Lee, 5

I'd like a girl Hannah Montana doll. Love, Jazmine, 5

I want a new pony that can talk. It is a toy. Please, Santa. Love, Sarah, 5

I want a new tool bench. Love, Tyler, 5

I want a transformer. Love, Ronnie, 6

I want a Hannah Montana doll. Please, Santa. Love, Madison, 5

I want a new bumblebee transformer. I want a spiderman remote controller. Love, Cameron, 5

I want a horse that talks, walks, and eats. Love, Rebecca, 5

I want a guitar and a microphone. Love, Logan, 5

My brother wants a scooter that can ride. I want a baby alive. Love, Julia, 5

I want a shotgun. Love, Jacob O., 6

I want a squishy unicorn that goes in the water. Love, Libby, 5

I want a new transformer. Love, Tucker, 5

I want a doll. Love, Jennifer, 5

I want a scope BB gun. Love, Jakob, 6